A Different Viewpoint.


MEDELEX, Inc. provides replacement image intensifier systems, CCD and tube type cameras for medical and industrial OEM equipment that meet, or in most cases exceed, manufacturer specifications.

 offers CT and X-Ray Tubes, Tetrodes, Camera Tubes, High Voltage Cables, Image Processors, Monitors and ABS Systems.

 was created to provide our customers throughout the world with a single vendor interface to satisfy all their requirements for image intensifier systems, camera sub-systems, x-ray tubes, digital systems, TV monitors, and other imaging accessories.

Call us and we'll give you a great image!

Tubes, High Voltage Cables, Image Process Monitors and ABS Systems 

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Medelex's "World of Imaging" Product Overview

Image Intensifier Tubes

Replacement Image Intensifiers

CCD Cameras

Tube-Type Cameras (Vidicon, Plumbicon, Saticon, Pasecon, etc.)

Camera Tubes 

R/F, DSA, and Cardiac Digital Imaging Systems (Digital Spot Systems)

Digital Image Processors and Storage Devices

Tetrode Tubes

TV Monitors (Monochrome) / Cathode Ray Tubes

Automatic Brightness Stabilizers (ABS)

X-Ray Tubes and CT Tubes

High Voltage Cables

Sony Medical Products

XStar Digital Imaging System

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